2月に行われたTOEIC リスニング&リーディングテストで満点を取得しました!990点満点を目標に定めてから3回目の受検、目標達成まで1年と3か月を費やしました。長い挑戦を終えて、今はほっとしています。
I got a perfect score on the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test, which I took in February. The test was my third try since I had set a goal to reach a 990 score. It took one year and three months to achieve it. I am now relieved after a long challenge.
To prepare for the test, I took many practice tests. Each time I reviewed them carefully and thoroughly. It was a little tedious, but also essential for me. Besides the practice tests, what Rainbow Language House provides its Adult students helped me a lot. I read many books from the Rainbow Library which increased my reading fluency and accuracy. In class, I practiced listening and pronunciation which supported my listening ability. The monthly vocabulary exercises introduced useful words for the TOEIC test.
Even though I reached my goal, there is still a lot to learn and practice to be a good English speaker. I will keep working hard.
Manae Hoshino
P.S. TOEICの点数を上げたい方をサポートいたします。いつでも受付へお問い合わせください!
P.S. I am happy to support people who want to improve their TOEIC scores. Talk to me anytime at the front desk!